Four Hour Tutorial -- UGA -- 2017 intro/ tutorial-overview.ppt 10 Terminology, architecture, Help sources nav-omics/navigator-intro/ navigator.ppt 40 Intro to Web BioCyc 10 Lab Desktop: Slides 1-41 Web : Slides 42-76 nav-omics/smarttables/ 30 SmartTables smarttables.ppt 10 Lab nav-omics/omics-viewers/ overview-omics.pptx 25 Pathway collages, Dashboard 10 Lab nav-omics/omics-viewers/ overview-omics.pptx 30 Omics viewers and pathway collages 10 Lab Metabolic Route Search 10 Running metabolic models 10 (+ 10 40 10 30 10 25 15 40 15 15 15 ) One Hour Tutorial -- Stanford -- 2018 nav-omics/navigator-intro/ navigator.ppt 15 Intro to Web BioCyc nav-omics/smarttables/ 30 SmartTables smarttables.ppt 15 Comparative Analysis Introduction to the BioCyc Microbial Genomes and Metabolic Pathways Web Portal is an extensive and user-friendly genome informatics portal containing 10,900 microbial genomes. This one-hour tutorial will show you how to use several aspects of BioCyc: 1. A basic introduction to BioCyc including database selection, gene and metabolite searches, and navigating genome-scale metabolic map diagrams. 2. SmartTables are a facility for storing and analyzing lists of genes and metabolites. For example, import a gene list of interest and with a few clicks convert it to a list of all pathways containing those genes, a list of all genes that regulate those genes, or a list of all amino-acid sequences for the gene products. 3. BioCyc contains many comparative operations including a multi-organism search, comparative genome browser, and extensive ortholog information.